Capstone Progress Entries 10–11

Shannon Healey
1 min readJul 23, 2021

This week I am beginning to finalize my plans for next semester, attached with my Gantt chart above. I will be primarily focusing on two main components: a branded identity and campaign alongside a digital resource that will act as a guide for the targeted users for the campaign, that being inexperienced indie musicians that don’t identify as cis/straight men. I have already conducted a very helpful interview with Coran Stetter and plan on continuing to use him as a mentor throughout this process, as a professional in the industry with years of experience. I also will talk with Rio Van, a music manager and employee for independent distribution company Symphonic, who is going to provide a crucial point of view as a woman with years experienced being integrated into the industry. Alongside this research and my completed survey results, I’m hoping to solidify the content I want to include in the three different sections in my resource: the pocket Label, promoter, and agent for distribution, marketing, and booking shows, respectively. As the weeks go by I am getting a clearer and clearer idea behind what exactly I want my final deliverables to include, and I’m really looking forward to jumping in full-force next semester.

