Capstone Progress Entry 04

Shannon Healey
2 min readJun 6, 2021

It has finally approached the point in the process where I’ve narrowed to my problem space and capstone topic: the future of music consumption and what it means for both artists and their listeners. In the end I knew this is the topic I would be the most interested in throughout the process and therefore lessen my chances of wanting to switch, but it is also the topic I’m most emotionally attached to due to my background both as a fan, and now as an active member of the music industry. After receiving my faculty reviews, I’m realizing that I’m approaching this project a bit too broadly, and it would be smart to narrow my focus space sooner rather than later. This will be what I begin to consider over the next few weeks, what deliverables I’m the most passionate about creating, and how I may introduce both innovative thinking and personalized interaction into my experience. While I’m confident my project will still be occupying digital space, I hope to supplement my deliverables with other physical assets, which will be up for exploration as well.

This process has been difficult as I’ve been experiencing a period of being uninspired (I’m someone who works/thinks best while physically around and with others, so COVID has not helped that). My hopes are that in the weeks to come I’ll be able to narrow this project into a more tightly-knit, niche space that caters more closely to both my passions as a designer, as well as a specific problem space.

