Capstone Progress Entry 07–08

Shannon Healey
1 min readJul 1, 2021

Decisions are nice to come to. Recently I decided on my topic selection and problem space for my capstone project, involving the music industry as previously targeted but as a resource catered towards inexperienced indie artists.

A major problem in the music industry revolves around major music labels claiming higher percentages of sales from music artists, and for this reason more and more artists are choosing to remain unsigned. In order to make the entry to the industry a smoother and less intimidating one, I plan on creating a digital resource breaking down the processes traditionally taken care of by record labels, including promotion, recording music, and booking shows. On top of this it will coincide with a brand campaign that promotes unity in indie artists reclaiming their industry.

I plan on talking to a number of key individuals in the field, including Cincinnati indie artist and radio station founder Coran Stetter, international DJ and indie label founder Salman Isakov, and an experienced music manager through a Nashville distribution label Rio Van.

I’m looking forward into diving into further research for the processes behind the music industry, and how I may be able to create a space for people just starting out to approach and feel welcomed.

